SUSTAINABILITY Sustainability Initiatives

Sustainability Initiatives

Coronet Corporation adheres to the corporate philosophy of “Sampo-yoshi”, aiming to support a sustainable society through activities in management, production, and distribution.

for the PLANET

  • SDGs 12
  • SDGs 13
  • SDGs 14
  • SDGs 15

Examples of initiatives

Adoption of environmentally friendly materials with lower environmental impact

By adopting environmentally friendly materials with lower environmental impact (such as eco-cashmere, recycled polyester, organic cotton, etc.) in product development, we contribute to the maintenance of the Earth’s environmental health.

Reduction of Fashion Waste

We are implementing initiatives to reduce discarded clothing, such as repairing purchased items and remaking past inventory with added value for resale through upcycling and other methods. Materials leftover after product production are either utilized in other products or sold to minimize waste. Additionally, we are optimizing our inventory based on demand by hosting pre-order events.

Efficiency Improvement in Transportation

We are implementing consolidated shipping to logistics warehouses and stores, which reduces the number of transportation trips.

Reevaluation of Packaging Materials and Shopping Bags

In an effort to reduce plastic use, we have transitioned some shopping bags and packaging materials from plastic to paper. Additionally, we have started using FSC® Mix material for a portion of our newly produced cardboard, aiming to minimize environmental impact by utilizing responsibly sourced resources.

Support for Biodiversity Conservation Activities

At HUNTING WORLD, we sell a charity series crafted from sustainable materials such as recycled polyester. A portion of the sales is donated to the certified NPO organization Borneo Conservation Trust Japan, supporting their efforts in biodiversity conservation across Borneo.

Promotion of Paperless Operations

We are converting sales documents and faxes to digital formats to reduce paper consumption.


  • SDGs 3
  • SDGs 4
  • SDGs 5

Examples of initiatives

Declaration of Health Management

We have declared ourselves as a health-conscious company, creating a workplace where employees can work healthily and safely.

Declaration of Health Management

“Working toward a bright future with respect for humanity.
In accordance with the “Sampo-yoshi” corporate philosophy, we, the company and the health insurance union, declare that we will work together with all employees to create a work environment where all employees can work safely and maintain and improve their health, thereby faithfully achieving goals and promoting the growth of the company, employees, and society.”

In October 2023, we received “the Silver Certificate” for Health Excellence Company.

In March 2024, we achieved certification as an Excellent Health Management Company 2024 for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises.

Establishment of a Comfortable Workplace and Compliance with Regulations

We conduct employee training on topics such as sustainability and harassment, not only ensuring compliance but also eliminating all forms of discrimination against all genders across all workplaces. We promote diversity and strive to create an environment where employees can fully utilize their abilities and excel.